Bitcoin Wallet Cracker


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**Bitcoin Wallet Cracker**

The whole Bitcoin blockchain works on public keys and private keys

* UPGRADE : More reliability to the balance check procedure, to prevent network issues (happens sometimes on 1st version) like connection resets. Also it has some improvements to stability in case of errors it continues with all threads instead of stopping the affected thread.

Public keys are our Bitcoin addresses where anyone can send us BTC. These

are public and can be seen by anyone.

Private keys however are the most important element. They give you access

to the funds in your wallet. Consider a private key your username and password

in one. Technically, when a person has your private key for your BTC wallet they

will have full control thus being able to take your BTC away. It is practically

game over for you if that is the case.

Since everything is on the public BTC blockchain, it is possible that you can be able to

generate and crack BTC wallets 24/7. Particularly, you can be able to generate and

crack BTC private keys all day long but you will need professional software for that.

The first of its kind Bitcoin wallet cracker that works round the clock 24/7 finding BTC wallets and cracking them open via the private keys.

What this program does in a nutshell:

* This program will generate a random mnemonic (seed) which is 1:1 with a private key and then check the balance. Basically 1 mnemonic corresponds to 1 private key which corresponds to one wallet.

* It generates and checks around 108000 mnemonic (wallets) per hour depending on your hardware.

* You can run it on any windows machine but i would suggest that

you run it on a vps, so it runs 24/7. Unless you would want to run your machine 24/7 as well.

* Possible to run on a LOT of computers, you can create your own army of BTC wallet crackers.

Important notes:

* The software may trigger anti-virus because it is a cracking software and it might

send out a lot of internet requests to check wallets (around 108000 wallets per hour)

but you are assured that there are no harmful viruses in the program.

* The software process also involves a bit of luck and time. There are so many possible wallet combinations possible. You can check 1 million wallets and

only find 0.0001 BTC while in some good days you can check only 100 mnemonics and you can find a wallet with 20 BTC.

* Overall there is no other software faster this Bitcoin Wallet Cracker and

you will surely make money 24/7 with this.

** How use the program :

Install the generator on a virtual machine(Oracle it’s free), running on windows 7 (better than window10 and free).

Install it with all administrator permission and then open it with same permissions.

The program will run in background and ask you a btc address for payment when it will find a good wallet.


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